BLACK SWAN BLEND™ | Our Signature Blend for Chocolate Lovers!


BLACK SWAN BLEND™ | Our Signature Blend for Chocolate Lovers!

from $12.00

An intense, full-bodied coffee experience featuring strong chocolate notes with red fruit undertones… think dark chocolate covered berries in a cup!

Ideal for Drip, Cold Brew, Espresso and of course, pour-overs! - a must-try for chocolate lovers.

Roast level: Medium (City+ roast)

Our signature blend featuring our high-impact, full bodied, incredibly chocolatey Guatemalan complemented by a fruit-forward Natural bourbon bean counterpart. A blend that honors its name on uniqueness, originality, and beauty - a tribute to our Lakeland home!

It prominently features Poaquil - our High-Impact Guatemalan beans sourced from an amazing group of small farmers who are living proof of our ‘Brew Greatness’ motto - the idea that we can make a difference and brew a better world through economic opportunity.

Grind (guide below):


Coarse | French Press, Cold Brew, Moka Pot (Percolator), Chemex (and any other slow-flowing Pour-Over methods)

Medium-fine | Drip (standard or programmable coffee makers), single-cup brewers (automatic or one-cup Pour-Over dripper), Aeropress.

We always recommend grinding your coffee fresh for the absolute best experience. Pre-grinding your coffee exposes more surface area to the air, which means faster aroma loss and faster de-gassing/staling. If you must buy ground, we highly recommend placing the whole bag (including packaging) inside an airtight container, and using/opening one bag at a time if possible.

An excellent medium blend (City+ roast) which is intensely chocolaty, with a slightly fruity finish. As with all our Signature Blends, it’s blended to perform well ANY METHOD - we highly encourage you to try it in multiple methods!