C R E M A | Classic Espresso Blend


C R E M A | Classic Espresso Blend

from $10.00

Our signature Espresso blend is a consistently silky, sweet, and intense cup with delicious nutty undertones.

Its sweet nutty notes will absolutely shine on both Espresso and Drip (a wonderful morning cup). On Espresso, it is roasted to a perfect medium to pull shots with a beautiful layer of crema, and is delicious both by itself or as the ideal match for milk!

What’s in the blend?

Rainforest Alliance & UTZ Sustainable Farming Certified Yellow Bourbon Brazilian beans from small farmers belonging to Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo (an 88+ scoring of coffees sourced exclusively for our Espresso blend!). Beans are sun dried as a cherry on raised beds (dry process).

While most coffee in Brazil is grown in large coffee plantations and "Estate" farms, we go out of our way to source from small farmers that farm in "sitios". Lots are purchased directly from small farmers committed to quality and willing to provide detailed information about their coffees and farms, commit to harvesting methods that maximize quality, and each individual lot is cupped prior to blending it with the collective harvest, so we can offer you a consistently excellent cup.

Grind (guide below):


Coarse | French Press, Cold Brew, Moka Pot (Percolator), Chemex (and any other slow-flowing Pour-Over methods)

Medium-fine | Drip (standard or programmable coffee makers), single-cup brewers (automatic or one-cup Pour-Over dripper), Aeropress.

We always recommend grinding your coffee fresh for the absolute best experience. Pre-grinding your coffee exposes more surface area to the air, which means faster aroma loss and faster de-gassing/staling. If you must buy ground, we highly recommend placing the whole bag (including packaging) inside an airtight container, and using/opening one bag at a time if possible.

We wanted to offer the most versatile, and our best-value for Espresso lovers who love to enjoy a Barista-quality crafted drink at home any day (or every day!). Crema is delightful as straight Espresso (or Americano) and also a great match for milk and milk alternatives. This creamy, complex blend becomes bliss in milk as the chocolate and nutty undertones slowly reveal themselves!