El Espejo | Colombia | Limited Edition

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El Espejo | Colombia | Limited Edition

from $11.50

This limited-edition Organic microlot was grown by Marlibia Perdomo at very high altitudes (>1800 meters above sea level) and represents some of the best Colombian coffees being produced in the country right now. Expect a creamy, rich, powerful coffee experience that features the perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and complex flavors, including citrus and dark molasses - this coffee will make you fall in love with the purity and excellence of a meticulously produced “Washed” bean!

Process: Washed, sun-dried on raised beds.

Varietals: Caturra, Castillo.

Region: Planadas, Tolima

Farmer: Marlibia Perdomo of ASOPAP (Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de Cafe Especial de Planadas, which we’ve been supporting for the past 4 years!)

Certifications: Organic + Fair-Trade (and actually sourced at a 2.5X premium over the current Fair-Trade standard)

Roast level: Medium (City Roast)

Grind (guide below):


Coarse | French Press, Cold Brew, Moka Pot (Percolator), Chemex (and any other slow-flowing Pour-Over methods)

Medium-fine | Drip (standard or programmable coffee makers), single-cup brewers (automatic or one-cup Pour-Over dripper), Aeropress.

We always recommend grinding your coffee fresh for the absolute best experience. Pre-grinding your coffee exposes more surface area to the air, which means faster aroma loss and faster de-gassing/staling. If you must buy ground, we highly recommend placing the whole bag (including packaging) inside an airtight container, and using/opening one bag at a time if possible.

This Organic, high-scoring, high-impact micro-lot is an excellent example of our Ethos to champion amazing coffees from small farmers! Marlibia is not only an outstanding coffee grower, she is also the matriarch of her family of five, and a leader to her community. She’s a role model for many other women growers, and we’re so fortunate we were able to buy almost her whole production this year!
This is a very rich coffee (i.e. high soluble solids), so it will yield a creamy, full bodied cup in most preparation methods, from your morning Drip brew to your Cold Brew! Performs well as a single-origin Espresso (yet optimal extraction seems particularly important - avoid long extraction times to prevent over-extraction). It also pairs really well with milk-based Espresso drinks (which seem to enhance the dark molasses notes).